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※ Download: Tampermonkey beta
Intellectual property, includes, but is not limited to, computer or software code, scripts, design elements, graphics, interactive features, artwork, text communication, tracker libraries, and any other content that may be found in Tampermonkey. All other rights are expressly reserved by the Company. And finally it's compatible to Greasemonkey up to version 3.
Then search for a link that ends up on. Intellectual property, includes, but is not limited to, computer or software code, scripts, design elements, graphics, interactive features, artwork, text communication, tracker libraries, and any other content that may be found in Tampermonkey. Tampermonkey makes no warranties respecting any harm that may be caused by the transmission of any kind of computer virus.
Tampermonkey is the most popular userscript manager for Blink-based browsers such as Google Chrome. Tampermonkey makes it pretty easy to manage your userscripts. The Tampermonkey icon at the upper right shows the number of running scripts and a click at it shows what scripts do run and what scripts may run at this page. With the Tampermonkey extension installed, you can install, customize and manage your scripts in an easy way. Once installed, it adds a new icon to the Chrome's interface from where you can easily access it in order to add or disable scripts. Tampermonkey provides an intuitive dashboard, where you can add new user scripts, organize your scripts, change the extension settings and also export them to your computer. Overall,Tampermonkey is a great extension that has a number of different features and configuration types. So, if you want to add custom user scripts to your Chrome browser, then look no further than Tampermonkey. We don't have any change log information yet for version 4. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated. If you have any change log info you can share with us, we'd love to hear from you! Head over to our and let us know.
So, if you want to add custom user scripts to your Chrome browser, then look no further than Tampermonkey. A new tab is opened that shows the script's source code. This EULA supersedes any other agreement or understanding with respect to its subject matter. And finally it's compatible to Greasemonkey up to version tampermonkey beta. This includes extensions like AdBlock, ScriptSafe, Avast Online Security and due to the fact that it is not displayed explicitly when they are downloaded, any userscript that is installed as native Chrome extension. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In no event shall the Company be liable for any damages including, without limitation, tampermonkey beta profits, business interruption, or loss of data rising out of use of or inability to use Tampermonkey.